So it's been forever since I have posted anything but it's been a busy few months so I will try to update on what has been going on since my last post in June.
The biggest thing that has happened is our sweet angle turned one on July 23rd, we had a huge party at our house with lots of food drinks and family, we lite fireworks once it got dark and just had a great time celebrating with our family and friends. She is growing up so fast I just don't know where all the time has gone, she has been walking since she was 11 months and now she is trying to hard to talk, it's hard for her to get a word in with her brothers around. She is learning and growing at an incredible rate and I can't wait to see what the future holds for her!
The next thing was the start of the school year, Dominic started 1st grade this year and he is loving every minute of it, he has settled into the class and is doing great! He seems to be doing the very best at spelling he has gotten 100% on all his test except 1 we couldn't be more proud of him. Landon started 4yo preschool this year and this is the first time that he has gotten to go to school everyday and they decided to have them wear uniforms this year and can I just say he looks so handsome and grown up in his! He is loving school as well, doesn't really care for Monday's and Tuesday's when he has to sleep over at school (This is his explanation for having to go to extended day those days) he says that it takes to long for him to see me, which of course made me smile. All in all they are both doing very well and growing and learning as well.
Also in August we had Richards birthday and our Anniversary, we have been married for 6 years and I feel blessed that I have been able to spend them with such an amazing husband and father.
We also finished putting in our backyard this summer and it looks amazing, Rich laid a new walk way to the shed, built a deck and framed in our lawn I love sitting out there and looking at what a great job he did, I can't believe how much we have been able to change and improve since moving in there just 2 years ago.
As of now things have finally started to slow down for the fall, only to pick back up here in a month or so. Right now we are just preparing for Halloween the kids are very excited and keep asking me daily if its time to wear their costumes yet, Dominic is going to be Buzz Lightyear and Landon picked Woody, I was going to try and have Abbie be Jesse from Toy Story but that's kind of hard since she is still so little so I found a darling Butterfly costume I am pretty sure they will all look cute as can be.
Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween
Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes (Foolproof!)
5 months ago
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