Merry Christmas 2009!!!!!

Abigail's first Christmas....We had to put her up on the table to prevent her from getting lost in the disaster that was about to take place....Once the boys were all finished with the many things that Santa brought then we cleared a spot for her to open her presents.....
Look I can sit by myself!!!!!

Just in the most recent days she has learned how to sit up by herself, its only for a few seconds most the time so I try and keep something soft behind her to soften the fall.....She is just getting so big.
If I scoot on my belly I can get anything I want to get my hands on....

She has mastered scooting all over the floor to reach whatever she wants, which is sometimes good and sometimes not so good....
Getting ready to crawl!!!!!

We are pretty sure that she will be moving around the house any time now....She has been able to get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth and she does move forward a little bit, but she hasn't mastered moving everything at the right time yet....
First Thanksgiving!!!!

This year we spent Thanksgiving at my mom and dads house....We try to switch back and forth between eachothers house so the same person doesn't have to cook every year.....The day was spent sharing what we are all so very thankful for....I have to say this is the first year that not one of my kids was sick on Thanksgiving, so that was ofcourse one of the many things I was thankful for....
Welcome Little One!!!!!

We welcomed our precious baby girl at 5:50 am on Thursday July 23,2009 and as you can see we were not the only ones who were so happy that she was here....Landon sure does have a special place in his heart for his little sister and he is a great big brother....
A brothers love!!!!!

Dominic was so excited when we told him that he was going to have a little sister and he shows us each and everyday just how much he loves her.....
Our Precious Girl!!!!

These first six months have gone by so fast and I am sure the next six months are going to fly by just as quickly....We are just going to enjoy every moment and be so grateful for all the blessings in our life....
Love the pics. She is getting so big I still can't believe it has been 6 months where does the time go!!