So I haven't decided if the boys get more excited about Halloween or Christmas yet, Dominic has been asking me for months when it is going to be Halloween and I think he has changed his mind about 50 times on what he wants to be, I think he finally decided that he was going to be G.I. Joe. Landon I thought was going to be a bat, I usually like to pass the costume down each year so I don't have to buy as many, but I guess that won't be happening this year because he informed me that he wants to be a Transformer, the joys of having boys. We haven't made it to the store yet to get the boys costume's but while we were out today we did find a costume for Abbie's first Halloween so it is official she is going to be a LADY BUG. I saw the costume out of the corner of my eye while at Walmart today, I strolled over to take a look and once I took a closer look at it I fell in love with it, there was only one left in her size so I snagged it up and brought it home she is going to look so CUTE in it.
After we got home today from running all of our errands the boys were begging me to put the spiderwebs outside so that is what we did. We had placed all of our other fall stuff and some of the Halloween stuff outside at the first of the month but today we put the finishing touches on it. The front porch is now covered in spiderwebs, which Dominic informed me reminded him of giant cotton balls that we were just stretching out, after we got the webs up we put several black and orange spiders all over it, once the entire thing was complete Dominic and Landon said it looked like a Haunted House.
Stay tuned for some more spooky fun to come.........
Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes (Foolproof!)
5 months ago
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