Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The start

Hello we have finally moved into the new age of blogging so bare with us as we get use to this new concept. Our house is busy as usual the boys are both in school Landon is in the 3yo preschool and goes 3 days a week and Dominic started all day Kindergarten, which just leaves Abbie home with me at least 3 days a week for a few hours.

Dominic is 5 now and loves school, it makes me sad that he is growing up so fast. He is my sweet baby boy who wears his heart on his sleeve, the second week of school he came home and told me that he had a girlfriend and that he had picked her a flower at school, I hope it wasn't a dandelion since that is what he seems to always find for me. He is an amazing big brother he is always asking me if he can hold his little sister and stops by to kiss her on the head every morning when he wakes up, I know that he really does love Landon although sometimes I wonder with all the fighting that occurs in my house.

Landon is our little monster he keeps us on our toes everyday, that kid can get himself into trouble without even trying. He is in love with school and especially his teacher first thing he does when he gets to school is go and give her a hug, as for mom I don't even get a hug or a see you later, I guess it is good he enjoys school that much. He is a great big brother as well he is always holding her hands and telling me how much he loves her little feet. He can also be a sweet loving little boy, but we have decided that he saves that for those for when he gets in trouble.

Last but least there is our new arrival, Abigail or Abbie as we call her, is just a perfect addition to our house, she is a pretty good baby so far she is sleeping for about 3-4 hours a night but she sure does love to sleep on her mom, which is sometimes really nice and other times not so comfortable. She is getting big already she just turned 6 weeks old and weighs about 9lbs 5ozs, she goes in for her 2 month check up at the end of this month. She was just baptized on Sunday that 6th which turned out beautifully she cried the entire time, so I guess it worked. We had a nice family gathering after and several of our friends and family came which meant a lot to all of us.

As for Rich and I we are both very busy raising our 3 wonderful children and working. Rich is still working for Waste Management and keeping busy, summer is coming to an end so he won't have to mow lawns for very much longer, which will be nice since that takes him away from us on the weekends that he doesn't have to work. He will be busy this winter though with all the things that we want to do inside the house to make it look more like us.

I am still working for the Sheriffs office which I really enjoy, I am starting back full time this week which is going to take some adjusting to but we will figure it out. My days off are spent doing everything that needs to be done around the house and running kids back and forth to school and stuff. We have been doing a lot of things as a family with our friends which has been a nice change, it is nice to get out of the house.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!!! I can't wait to see your little monsters and not just hear about how adorable they are

  2. Well, Hello There! I have yet to meet your little family! So whenever you get the chance to bring them in let me know!
