I can't beleive that it is already February, where has the time gone seriously. This is a busy month for us, we have birthdays and Valentines this month and as everyone knows its a short month anyway so that doesn't help.
We start the month off with my birthday, as much as I would like to skip it the older I get I have yet to figure out a way to do so, this year there is nothing big planned I think we are just going to hang out with a dear friend of mine and have some fun. I know as we get older we tend to want to try and forget about our birthdays all together, but I can honestly say I am so thankful for everything I have been blessed with in my lifetime and a birthday just means that I have one more year to enjoy all those things.
Next its Valentines Day, this isn't a big holiday in our house but sure a busy one now that I have two kids in school. Dominic this year gets to makes his Valentine box at school and I can honestly say I was a little sad about that this year. We have always made this together as mom and son and to not be able to do that this year makes me realize how much he is growing up which is probably why I am really sad. Landon gets to have his first Valentines Day party at school, we haven't heard about his box yet but I am hoping that I might get to make one with him, maybe I am just reliving my childhood through my boys. This of course will be Abbie's first Valentines, I know she won't remember but every holiday is so special when their your last babies first.
Last but not least is Dominic's birthday. Where has the time gone, he will be turning 6 this month and it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. He has been excited about his birthday since Christmas and keeps telling me that he wants a criminal birthday, at first we were a little worried, but figured out quickly this is his name for the Hulk. We aren't doing anything really big this year just a family gathering with a few of our close friends as well, but I am sure it will be a blast and he will enjoy it very much.
Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes (Foolproof!)
5 months ago